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A Clockwork Orange REVIEW

It's me that is Ridwan and I am the media critic at frenzy titans. A Clockwork Orange is a controversial movie which is an adaption of the book, A Clockwork Orange. The movie was made by the great Stanley Kubrick. But is it a great movie? Well, were going to find out today.

The story
The movie revolves around Alex de large. The movie's plot phenomenal. But you should experience it fresh and without any spoilers. So plot wise I am not going to say much. The pacing of this movie is perfect. The story is like perverse fable. It is also kind of a dark comedy.

The dialog

The dialog of this movie is awesome. Fun fact some of the movie's dialog is in nadsat which is a language created by the book's author Anthony Burgess. The dialog in this isn’t expositional. There is no chessy or cringey lines. Lines are delivered exceptionally well by the cast.

The acting

The acting of this movie is excellent. Malcolm McDowell plays Alex. He really encapsulates the character. He absolutely nails every single dialog. He shows of this childlike enjoyment at ultraviolent scenes which I find really great. The next worth while mentioning performance is by Micheal Bates who plays the chief guard.  He has a short screen time but in that short span he really does give a great performance. There is really no actor in this movie who seems miscast. Everybody does their job neatly.

The music

The music of this movie  done by Wendy Carlos. To say something bad about this soundtrack would be criminal. One of the highlights of the soundtrack is the opening theme. Some of the tracks are synthesized classical music which may seem a bit unnatural. The music really melds with the theme of perversion. Generally a mark of a good movie is to have good music. But most directors tend to miss out that the music must be used accordingly on the basis of the scene. You can’t just throw great music willy-nilly. If the music is timed perfectly it can elevate the viewing experience. Kubrick is a special guy. He uses the music at just the right moment and the timing is perfect. The music of A Clockwork Orange is really something else. You can rarely find anything like this in most movies.

The production and costume design

A Clockwork Orange had a shoe string budget. But you really don’t see the  economical shortcomings in the movie.  The production of the movie was handled exceptionally well. This goes to show that restrictions are not a hindrance to any form of art. The costume design of this movie is outstanding. Every character has a distinct costume. My favorite is Alex's costume. My writing doesn’t do any justice to it. You really have see it for yourself. The costumes are really timeless.

The cinematography
Most of Kubrick’s movies have great visuals. A Clockwork Orange is one of his masterpieces. The opening is jaw dropping.  I think it’s the best opening to any movie. The opening zoom out shot is masterful. Kubrick used a handheld camera for the most of the picture. The lighting of each scene is practical and  cinematic. You really don’t see this kind of lighting in modern movies. Kubrick also used a wide angle lens for close ups which distorts the background and the highlights the subject in the foreground.

The demerits

I really find fault no with A Clockwork Orange. It tells it story without confirming to anything.  It doesn’t conform to pc culture or feministic ideals. There is no forced representation of minorities or people of varied gender. It really goes to show that when an artist is given their freedom they can create masterpieces. Most of the people may find this movie disgusting for it’s adult and violent content. But the movie is little without it. To express it’s themes it really needs it. This content is the movie’s defining factor. But I have give a warning to my readers. This movie is not for kids, feminists. Those who feel queasy at violence need not watch this movie. You need to be open minded while watching this movie. Viewers must have a great level maturity.

So, from my analysis I can that say that A Clockwork Orange is timeless masterpiece. I think it’s the greatest movie of all time. To all cinema lovers this is a must watch. A Clockwork Orange is one of the most original movies I have ever seen. It’s the epitome of cinema.  Movies like this that shows what cinema is capable of. So, A Clockwork Orange is undoubtedly a great movie.

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