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Things Google Pixel 2 got right

So, finally on 4th of October at Google’s launch event Google pixel 2 and it’s big brother the pixel 2XL was announced. As it’s packed with a lot of new features to talk about , today let’s focus on the things Google got right about making the perfect smartphone that other smartphone manufacturers  did or didn’t get right this year… This is A.R.M from frenzyweb360 and let’s get started.

The squeeze feature:

As HTC was in charge of making these smartphones this year , they implemented the squeeze feature we saw earlier on their HTC u11 we saw earlier this year . Now I know .. I know that that squeeze option is not remap able and it only works on triggering the android assistant (I think we can all agree that android assistant is a handy thing to use ) but atleast they didn’t put a button on the side of their phones to trigger the android assistant !(I’m lookin’ at you Samsung) which would have caused a lot of unwanted accidental presses and raging pixel2 users all around the globe . (r.i.p bixby)

The fingerprint reader:

Some say put it at the front , some say put it beside the camera at the back, some rather say that get rid of it and use your face to unlock that phone of yours already ! But I think me and a lot of smartphone users will agree that Google got the fingerprint reader placement right and stayed consistent with their opinion on putting it on the center of the back of the smartphone . And yes that is where your fingers naturally go , so it is the easiest way of unlocking your phone and Google claims it’s the fastest fingerprint reader on the market so why not! (it is pretty fast though!)

Water resistance:

Yes ! finally Google heard our cries about the last pixel and this time the new pixels come with ip67 water resistance ! so that your smartphone gets all the beating it deserves without you worrying about it. J

The battery charging:

Yeah .. when you are talking about smartphones it all boils down to the battery life and charging your device .. and yeah Google didn’t implement the

wireless charging feature yet but I think they kinda made up for it by implementing incredibly fast charging this year which can give u almost 7 hours of battery juice in just 15 minutes! Now I don’t know about u but that is pretty cool!

So yeah that’s it from me today .. to see the things Google didn’t get right with their new flagship smartphones this year stay tuned with us and I will talk to you guys on the next one . 

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